In order to understand the SensorThings API, it is essential to understand the underlying data model. This model consists of the following classes:
Things: Some real-world thing, in this context usually the thing where the sensor is located. This could be a monitoring station or just the room where the sensor has been mounted.
Locations: Location of the Thing. The Location is provided separately from the Thing as a Thing can move to a different Location.
Datastreams: a Datastream links together a Thing with a Sensor that is measuring an ObservedProperty to provide an entry point for a time series. All Observations created by the Sensor pertaining to the ObservedProperty are linked to this Datastream.
Sensors: A description of a sensor that provides values, including information on the measurement method. While formally designed for sensors in the IoT context, the Sensor could also be a human observer.
ObservedProperties: The ObservedProperties describe what is being measured by a Sensor at a specific Location.
Observations: A single measurement value. Information on what ObservedProperty was measured with which type of Sensor is provided by the Datastream to which this Observation is linked; the object on which the measurement was performed is provided by the FeatureOfInterest of this Observation.
FeaturesOfInterest: the FeatureOfInterest is the object on which the measurement was performed.